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When someone files for bankruptcy under Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, their aim is to have the opportunity to repay some or all the debts in their name, in better terms, i.e. lower or no interest. Unlike Chapter 7 which involves liquidation of assets, this process involves restructuring debts which allows the debtor to use whatever income they may have in the future to pay off the creditors. Filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is thus applicable for a debtor who has a regular income, and thus can afford to request for such adjustments or reductions.
The United States Bankruptcy Code gives the debtor a ceiling of 5 years, within which the creditors must be paid back. While the attorney will safeguard your interests, the entire process is carried out under the supervision of the courts.
* Information above gathered from http://www.bankruptcyhome.com/chapter13-20110308.html