An air filter is the component that removes dust and dirt from the air flowing in and out of your HVAC system. Without this, the internal components of your unit will get clogged with dirt and will malfunction. To keep your system running efficiently, you must keep the filter clean and change it regularly.
Here’s how to change your filter:
- Turn off your HVAC unit.
- Find the filter. On most systems, you can find it at the side of the furnace, right where the return duct is attached to the unit. To remove the filter, you can either just slide it out or detach some screws to get it off.
- If the filter is already clogged with dirt, it may be time to get a replacement. Check the filter’s edge to read the size (usually three numbers, like 16x25x1), and buy a matching one from a hardware supplies store.
- Install the new filter, making sure that it is facing the right direction. The arrows should be pointing toward the furnace. You may also have to replace the access door.
- You may now turn on your unit again.