If you want the best rates for painting jobs, you need to undergo this tedious process. But once you have surpassed this and you have obtained the pricing for their jobs and supplies, you can certainly be at ease that your house will have a nice final touch.
Here is the procedure of choosing the best paint contractor:
- Collect names of potential paint contractors. Ask your friends, family, or neighbors for some paint contractor referrals. If they can’t refer anyone, then your next stop is the phone directory. There are specialized paint job companies, though, these can be rare. You may call construction companies also since they most probably offer paint jobs. Have at least three possible paint contractors' names. Doing this will help you in objectively comparing prices and services so you can get the best deals.
- Set your budget for the paint job. You can get an idea of how much you should pay for a paint contractor on some construction websites, forums, or blogs. You may ask someone you know who has hired a paint contractor. This way, you can gauge the right budget you should set for the job. You need to determine that so you’ll know that the paint estimates and paint bids given to you are not overpriced.
- Meet with the possible paint contractors. It’s important that they know the paint job needed for your house. You can either show the house plan made by your interior contractor and exterior contractor or show them around your house if it’s already built. You should also explain the specific paint jobs you want them to do. For instance, if you want an accent for the house’s trim or you want to create a different texture with the paint, then you should tell them. By doing this, you allow them to make an accurate paint estimate.
- Ask for paint job estimates and compare these. After showing them the paint jobs they need to do, perhaps they can already give you an accurate estimate. Once you already have all the estimates, then it’s time to compare.
Although it’s easier to compare based on the total rates, this should never be the case. You should compare the services offered with the total prices. You should also consider the reputation of each potential paint contractor and how well they can do the job for you. Some residential painters do provide a warranty for their paint job. It’s better if they’ll offer this for you because it prevents them from doing a sub-standard paint job.
A paint job is always considered a minute detail in house construction. But you can never underestimate the power of a good paint job because it gives ambiance to your home. A good paint job is helpful in protecting your house, too.