If you are looking to hire a painting contractor, it's important to know exactly what this job entails. Too many people work with independent painters who may or may not be able to provide you with consistent, quality service at a good price. When you work with a licensed painting contractor, you get to take the guesswork out of this process and replace it with nothing less than superlative care.
Painting contractors generally provide more comprehensive services than you might otherwise find, and for this reason many homeowners feel more comfortable working with the pros. From environmentally friendly lead paint disposal through cleanup and rock solid contracts, the advantages of such an approach are manifold. All you need to get started with a responsible professional is a little motivation and a good sense of what to ask.
The most important issue is to check those credentials at the door. Most painting contractors today are registered with the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America, a collective program that ensures everything you get meets a certain threshold of quality. Even with all the paperwork in order, however, you may still want to look into the references provided by those painting contractors for a better sense of what to expect.
Many of the best painting contractors will also put their estimates in writing, offering much-needed security for your financial plans. Although paint prices can change and local markets have been known to run out on occasion, a truly responsible painting contractor should have no problem locking down the figures you agree upon. Add in outer limits for the schedule and clarify liability for your prized possessions and you can be ready to begin within days.
Not all painting contractors are created equal, so do yourself a favor and check the Web before you retain any over the long term. With a little research and some sound web-based resources at your disposal, you should be able to cut through the noise and find more competent painting contractors. After that the process of painting and improving your home can be completed, perfected and masterfully cleaned before you even have a chance to get used to all those drop cloths.