By considering the type of damage caused by pests, you can decide what sort of pest control program will be most viable for your family, or whether the cost of a pest control program is worth the price needed to solve the problem. The basic types of damage are economic damage, medical damage, and aesthetic damage. Nuisance problems are also a consideration.
Economic damage can be anything from termites gnawing through the boards in your house to cabbage maggots chewing through the roots of the cabbage in your garden. The most important thing to consider is whether pest problems will damage the value of your house or cause it to become dangerous for your family.
Medical damage typically refers to diseases that can be transferred from animals or insects to people. Wildlife that could be considered beneficial or desirable may transmit such things as Lyme disease or malaria. It is important to regard these cases very seriously.
Aesthetic damage occurs when "the mere presence of a plant or animal causes an undesirable change in the appearance of something" (p. 39). Typically, these kind of pest infestations do not cause economic damage, rather they simply do not fit into what the family perceives as aesthetically pleasing. You may want to think twice about bringing in an exterminator or applying dangerous pesticides to deal with these kinds of problems.
The last category is nuisance problems. Examples include things like squirrels that dig up your lawn to bury nuts or seedling trees that sprout up in your lawn or flower bed. These sorts of problems do not usually cause economic damage, but the nuisance may be troublesome enough that you'll want to take action.