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How to dry tiles or linoleums
Tiles and linoleum often do not easily get affected by damage from water. You can dry these by simply opening the doors and windows of your house. This can help remove excess water. Or, you can also turn on the fan to speed up the drying. In case the water has trickled under the tiles or linoleum floors, it will be advisable to remove these and have the floor completely dry off before returning.
How to dry wooden surfaces
If your house's wooden surfaces are soaked up in water for a long period of time, it will be difficult to salvage them. Therefore, it is advisable that you dry them up as soon as possible. Bear in mind however, that wood should never be dried under the sun as this can distort and further damage your wood panels.
How to dry your rugs and carpet
It is a known fact that rugs and carpet can accumulate a lot of water, thus it is important that you clean them totally to prevent them from premature wear. Make sure that all stains, contaminants, and foul smell are removed from carpets and rugs ravaged by water damage. Completely dry them under the sun. Doing so will also prevent growth of molds.
How to dry your mattress, pillows, and cushions
It is quite easy to dry pillows and cushions which also took a beating from water damage. You can simply wash them using a washing machine and allow them to dry in fresh air or under the sun.
For mattresses, the restoration task is quite tough. If you think that it is impossible to restore your mattresses and that it can be too expensive, best replace them with new ones instead.
How to restore paper documents, photos, and books
In case important documents, books, and photos are slightly wet, you can dry them inside your house. But if it appears that the water damage is too severe, you can bring them to expert restorers.
* Information above was gathered from www.content4reprint.com written by Ramona Weisly